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Do you play guitar? Theory too hard? Play 7 modes NOW! in Greensboro, North Carolina For Sale

Price: $10
Type: Music instruments, For Sale - Private.

Using my method, you can play in all twelve keys every mode in the major scale. You can do this by using only one fingering position that you move up or down the neck. I have been using this method for over twenty years! It always works-- a fool-proof way to instantly know all seven modes in all twelve keys. Works for bass, acoustic guitar and electric guitar. You can play the modes without any theory knowledge.
Play in:
LOCRIAN modes in all keys!
This method sidesteps music theory and will expand your playing greatly. $10.00, NO SHIPPING FEE CHARGED. E-mail me for the beginning section of the text. Never hit a bad note again! No, it’s not a scam; I can prove it.
From Modes Method users:
Hi Dan, Like I told you before, I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but it worked. I was playing a song at church in the key of G and it didn't sound correct. So I moved the primary scale from the 3rd fret to the 5th and played G to G. And WHALA... no odd notes. --Thanks, Ron
…very informative…thanks for the effort--Jon
So far, so good. I half expected this to be a scam or some useless lesson that I could have figured out on my own. I was wrong. It is actually very useful and I was surprised at its simplicity. For someone like myself, it works very well and was worth the money I spent. Thanks again---Joe
Dan, got the stuff...I'm working on it. It will be a help and was defintely worth the $10 bucks! --Steve
Ive been using these scale patterns for years, but never made the connection to modes. This has been very useful. --Thanks, Steven.
Dan, thanks, got this yesterday. It is definitely one of those “duh!” things, beautiful in its simplicity. Thanks again, Steve.